
How to Open Files with Unknown File Extensions

There are a huge number of File which are available but normal people know only a few file types which they use in their daily life or with work, like MP3, AVI, DOC, JPEG, PNG, most of them are unknown file type, so many time you will get open with option if the file is new for your system or your system doesn’t have any special software to run that file.
Today we will show you how to open unknown file types and how you can find those software by which you can run unknown files, to run those files you need a program which support that file, for example you never heard about PSD file .psd is used in a Photoshop so if you have a file with .psd extension then you can run that file with Photoshop, but We can’t mention all file names with their working software so we are going to share some tips by which you can recognize file types, and then you will be able to run that file.
Note : Some Program files runs only with the help of some other files, like game save files, software update files you can’t run those files directly. 

Find Information about Unknown File Type

Search on Googletar-Google-Search122222

The Best way to find any information on the Internet is Google, and same Google can help you to find details about your file, if the file type is common but not used by you then you will find info very easily without any much efforts, but few file types are very rare in use, so in that case you need to search other option which we are mentioning blow.

Search on Wolfarm

Wolfarm is a useful website, you can search thousands of file types here, it will give you best results for any kind of information related to file Types, if you are not able to find Information on Google then you can use this website to search extensions.


File Info is another perfect website to find information regarding file type, you can search thousands of file types and it will give you fully detailed information , which program you need to run the file, which operating system supports that kind of files its developer details and many other useful information.
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How to Format PC using USB pendrive???


Many of people face lots of problems once we got to format/reinstall windows on our pc.Very First thing we’ve to choose from where to install windows?
The choices available are optical disk(DVD) or USB Pendrive.Within the latest new netbooks, largely there’s noDVD drive. Therefore if you wish to install windows you have to choose the other option, i.e. USB Pendrive. Therefore here I’m providing a brief and 100% tested tutorial on
“how to create a Windows 7 Bootable USB Pendrive to install Windows 7 from USB Pendrive”
Very First issue, You must check whether or not your BIOS supports booting from USB. Most of the computer/laptops support. However if your BIOS doesn’t, then sorry, you can’t boot from a USB Pendrive.
Second issue, You need another pc with Windows installed with a DVD drive, to COPY its contents later.
So here is the procedure:
1) Run command prompt(cmd). this will be done by clicking start and typing cmd in Windows 7/Windows Xp, click on start and then click on run. Type cmd and run. This may Open the command prompt which is able to appear as if this:

2) Then run diskpart utility from CMD, by typing “diskpart” on command prompt and pressing enter. this will run the diskpart utility in a very separate windows, that is shown in image below:
3) Now insert USB pendrive in any USB port. Remember that Your pen drive should be atleast 4 GB, 8 GB USB pendrive is best for This purpose. Now return to the diskpart console & type “listdisk” and press enter. this may list the different storage devices available. You’ll see the size column of the disk and here ‘disk 2′ is our pen drive. Warning: In your PC it may be some other number. In our case it’s “disk 2″.
4) Then you’ve got to type “select disk 2″ and press enter. Note: in our case it’s disk 2, in your case it may be disk 3/disk 1 or any different number. you can enter “detail disk” to check the details of the disk once you select it to verify that you’ve choosen the right disk. you’ll be able to see these steps within the image below:

5) Then you’ve to run a Series of commands. The commands to be run within the order are:
- clean
- create partition primary
- select partition 1
- active
- format fs=fat32
These steps are shown in the following Image:
6) The format step can take some time.after the format is complete you’ve to run “assign” command. and after this U can exit diskpart utility by entering the “exit” command. The steps are shown below:
- assign
- exit
- The image below shows all the steps taken from the 1st step:

7) when the format is complete, insert your original “Windows 7 DVD” in your DVD drive, or If you’ve an .iso image of the DVD, Mount that .iso image using “power ISO”(any virtual drive software).
- Now open My Computer, and open the contents of DVD Drive.Select all contents and copy all the contents
- Now open the USB Pendrive and press paste all the contents of DVD into the USB Disk.

8 ) Once the copy finishes, you’re done simply remove the USB Pendrive safely and use it to install Windows 7 in your PC.


Insert pendrive in USB port then Restart your F8 for Boot drive option.Select “pendrive”(it may be appear as your name of your pendrive’s company).Then format your pc as you are doing with DVD.
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Remove Shortcut Arrow

Hello Friends!!
Now I am going to tell you about how to remove shortcut arrows in Shortcuts.

Simply follow the steps:
Step 1)
Open RUN window.(window key + R)
Step 2)
type regedit and press Enter.
Step 3)
Now click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and in submenu find lnkfile and open it.
Step 4)
Now delete the value of IsShortcut value.

Step 5)
Now again find another key in same sub menu of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT  named  piffile.

Step 6)
Again Find IsShortcut value and Delete it.

Step 7)
Restart Your PC and See the Change..
Thank you


Error Codes on The internet

--------------------------------Error Codes on The internet --------------------------------------

100 Continue 
101 Switching Protocols 
200 OK Action completed successfully
201 Created Success following a POST command
202 Accepted The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
203 Partial Information Response to a GET command, indicates that the returned meta information is from a private overlaid web.
204 No Content Server has received the request but there is no information to send back.
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content The requested file was partially sent. Usually caused by stopping or refreshing a web page.
300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently Requested a directory instead of a specific file. The web server added the filename index.html, index.htm, home.html, or home.htm to the URL.
302 Moved Temporarily
303 See Other
304 Not Modified The cached version of the requested file is the same as the file to be sent.
305 Use Proxy
400 Bad Request The request had bad syntax or was impossible to be satisified.
401 Unauthorized User failed to provide a valid user name / password required for access to file / directory.
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden The request does not specify the file name. Or the directory or the file does not have the permission that allows the pages to be viewed from the web.
404 Not Found The requested file was not found.
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Time-Out
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Precondition Failed
413 Request Entity Too Large
414 Request-URL Too Large
415 Unsupported Media Type
500 Server Error In most cases, this error is a result of a problem with the code or program you are calling rather than with the web server itself.
501 Not Implemented The server does not support the facility required.
502 Bad Gateway
503 Out of Resources The server cannot process the request due to a system overload. This should be a temporary condition.
504 Gateway Time-Out The service did not respond within the time frame that the gateway was willing to wait.
505 HTTP Version not supported 

Top 5 Social Networking Sites for Business

Top 5 Social Networking Sites for Business

Business sites can be developed by promoting with the SEO tools available online. They can also be promoted with the help of the social networking sites. Nowadays these are emerging as the most powerful weapon of promotion. Even mostly all the social networking sites provide the development of business, the most top 5 Social Networking sites that provide promotion of blogs or other business sites are as follows.

1. Facebook

Facebook has been declared with the most maximum number of users online with 600 million 1 billion(updated) online users as of 2013. People are using facebook for mostly all their day to day purposes. All the brands have their facebook pages with most likes and shares all over the world. The most noted value is google indexes the facebook pages likes and shares and it shows in the search lists. With the proper and open use of the pages, the business can be promoted as a whole level.
Bloggers see this as a very effective tool for blogging. It is the most efficient way of reaching people all over the world and thus helps for a wide promotion of business purposes.

2. Twitter

Twitter has been prominent all over the world. Twitter tweets are recursive. People tweet, retweet the posts and the posts are circulated with millions of users and a wide chance of getting promoted. The tweets make a serious change in the promotion of business as its been all over the world viral.
Once you follow someone in twitter, you will be able to read all the tweets in your homepage. Twitter allows to promote your business with all the sources in you site with its plugins. Twitter is vast emerging with those innate qualities and it will be a great help to your business if you have a twitter page for your site and with followers. Motivation makes you to promote much better way. Moreover, you the benefit lies in the fact that you can make friends easily in twitter all over the world. This will help you increase the rate of people viewing your blog if you are a blogger. It is a real help of making relationships and sharing ideas.

3. Pinterest

Pinterest is one of the fast emerging online social networking media. Pinterest is an online pinboard where users can "pin" images, clips of they wish. Pinterest also can help you in developing your business. You can develop ads for your business and pinning here helps you get more users attracted to your site and also your brand.
Integrate Pinterest share button to your blog. Research for what your ideas and what the users are interested in pinning. Pin the ads and the things that will make users attract to your blog. Use of infographics can make your level of pinning reach the people. The thing that you have to remember is that make your pinning match to your business profile. As it suits, more users will get attracted to your site. Use it to interact with the users and make them reach your ideas. Pin daily as you are blogging. This will reach most of the users all over the world. It will do a good work for your promotion of your business.

4. Digg

Digg- What the internet is talking about right now. Digg is one of the online social news website. It is mainly designed for all kinds of news, reviews, and everything that are to be popular. It is a much of a promotion tool as it has most online users in a wide range. Digg provides all kind of reviews about various range of brands. Businesses can be widely promoted through this Digg. People read reviews and it will be a great chance of increasing your business level. Bloggers can also use this Digg as a promotion tool as it attracts various kinds of users all over the world. It will be a nice option to use it as a tool for promotion.


Hootsuite is a very effective tool for the promotion of your business. It is a social media management tool. It can be of great use to your business. It is a twitter management tool. It is easy to sign up and it with the RSS Feed of your site, it creates automatic tweets even with out your help and posts online about it to all the social media pages that you have synchronized. Hootsuite is a good management tool for your business. It promotes your business even if you are not able to do it by yourself online. All you need is to create an account and synchronize with all your pages and it will do its work. This a quite awesome tool for your business. Go on and try it now.


It is not that only with these social networks you can promote your business. Anything that is much interactive with the users makes you promote your business as well with the world.


Remove Autorun.inf

Hello Friends!!
Autorun.inf can be the big virus.You can’t delete it.When you insert pen drive and contains the fileautorun.inf.then it will automatically run it self.may be you have not observe any danger in that.but sometime this file contains some harmful code.It can be very dangerous for your system.Normally there is no software to delete this file from your computer.But now you can delete it using command prompt.

Simply follow process

Step 1)
Run command prompt as administrator.
Step 2)
Go to root drirectory using cd .. or cd / command.

Step 3)
Now type “attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf” and press enter.
It will search for autorun.inf file in your computer.
Step 4)
Now you will have results if there is file or not
if you find result of this file then type del autorun.inf & press Enter.
This will delete autorun.inf from your computer.
Step 5)
Restart your PC.



Browsing Errors

Most of us come across the internet errors, during browsing.. Here i give the correct meanings or the mistakes which we have done..

Error 400 - Bad request.
Error 401 - unauthorized request.
Error 403 - forbidden.
Error 404 - Not found.
Error 500 -Internal error.
Error 501 - Not Implemented
Error 502 - Bad Gateway
Error 503 -Service unavailable.
Error 504 - Gateway Time-Out
Error 505 - HTTP Version not supported/DNS Lookup Fail/unknwn host
Error 500-599 - Server Errors.

Know about Malware PDF

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