
Programming languages that were developed before C language

 Programming languages that were developed before C language

Language                     Year                       Developed By
Algol                             1960                    International Group
BCPL                          1967                     Martin Richard
B                                  1970                     Ken Thompson
Traditional C                1972                      Dennis Ritchie
K & R C                     1978                       Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie
ANSI C                       1989                      ANSI Committee
ANSI/ISO C                1990                     ISO Committee
C99                             1999                      Standardization Committee

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Source: http://www.javatpoint.com/history-of-c-language


Speech by Sundar Pichai

A beautiful speech by Sundar Pichai - an IIT-MIT Alumnus and Global Head Google Chrome and now CEO of Google..
The cockroach theory for self development
At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady.
She started screaming out of fear.
With a panic stricken face and trembling voice, she started jumping, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach.
Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group also got panicky.
The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away but ...it landed on another lady in the group.
Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the drama.
The waiter rushed forward to their rescue.
In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.
The waiter stood firm, composed himself and observed the behavior of the cockroach on his shirt.
When he was confident enough, he grabbed it with his fingers and threw it out of the restaurant.
Sipping my coffee and watching the amusement, the antenna of my mind picked up a few thoughts and started wondering, was the cockroach responsible for their histrionic behavior?
If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?
He handled it near to perfection, without any chaos.
It is not the cockroach, but the inability of those people to handle the disturbance caused by the cockroach, that disturbed the ladies.
I realized that, it is not the shouting of my father or my boss or my wife that disturbs me, but it's my inability to handle the disturbances caused by their shouting that disturbs me.
It's not the traffic jams on the road that disturbs me, but my inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam that disturbs me.
More than the problem, it's my reaction to the problem that creates chaos in my life.
Lessons learnt from the story:
I understood, I should not react in life.
I should always respond.
The women reacted, whereas the waiter responded.
Reactions are always instinctive whereas responses are always well thought of.
A beautiful way to understand............LIFE.

Person who is HAPPY is not because Everything is RIGHT in his Life..

He is HAPPY because his Attitude towards Everything in his Life is Right..!!,,,,,,,


Popular Web Design Software Links

Popular Web Design Software Links

Web page Authoring

  • Adobe Dreamweaver www.adobe.com
  • Microsoft Expression Web www.microsoft.com/products/expression
  • Nvu (open source web page editor) www.nvu.com

HTML editing

  • TextMate by MacroMates for Mac OS www.macromates.com
  • Sublime Text www.sublimetext.com
  • TextPad for Windows www.textpad.com
  • Coda by Panic Software www.panic.com/coda/
  • BBEdit by Bare Bones Software www.barebones.com

Image editing and drawing

  • Adobe Photoshop www.adobe.com
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements www.adobe.com
  • Adobe Illustrator www.adobe.com
  • Adobe Fireworks www.adobe.com
  • Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo www.corel.com/paintshoppro
  • GIMP gimp.org


  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (Windows only) www.microsoft.com/
  • windows/internet-explorer/
  • Firefox www.firefox.com
  • Google Chrome www.google.com/chrome
  • Opera www.opera.com
  • Safari www.apple.com/safari

  • WS_FTP, CuteFTP, AceFTP, and others for Windows available at: www.download.com
  • Transmit (for Macintosh OSX) www.panic.com/transmit
  • Cyberduck (for Macintosh OSX) cyberduck.ch
  • Fetch (for Macintosh OSX) fetchsoftworks.com
  • Cygwin (Linux emulator for Windows) www.cygwin.com
  • PuTTY (telnet/SSH terminal emulator) www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/


Facebook Addicted Must read Facebook Facts

Facebook Facts

  • Facebook is the second biggest website by traffic behind Google.
  • Facebook pays $500 to anyone who can hack into it. They allow this as showing appreciation for their security researchers.
  • One-sixth of the world's total population, which is nearly 1.23 billion people, were active on Facebook by the end of 2013. Also, some 945 million users access the site through their mobile phones.
  • Adding the number 4 to the end of Facebook’s URL will automatically direct you to Mark Zuckerberg’s wall. Also, adding the numbers 5 or 6 to the end of the URL will take you to the respective profiles of Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz, Facebook co-founders and Mark’s former college roommates.
  • The average Facebook users spend more than 55 minutes a day on the site. They use the Like button nine times a month and write 25 comments each month.
  • Syria, China, Vietnam, and Iran have banned Facebook.
  • There are more than 800,000 developers building applications for Facebook.
  • More than 3 billion photos are uploaded to the site each month
  • More than 15,000 websites, devices and applications have integrated Facebook Connect since its general availability in December 2008
  • Disney comes in second place with more than 46million likes. Coca-Cola is the most "liked" company on Facebook with more than 79million fans giving it the thumbs up.
  • More than 2.5 billion pictures are uploaded to Facebook each month
  • A recent survey of 500 top colleges found that 10% of admissions officers acknowledged looking at social networking sites such as Facebook to evaluate applicants. Thirty-eight percent of admissions officers said that what they saw negatively affected the applicant.
  • The New Oxford Dictionary announced that the 2009 Word of the Year was “unfriend,” as in “to remove someone as a friend on a social networking site” such as Facebook. However, there is some debate whether the word should be “defriend” rather than “unfriend.


Abbreviations and there Derivation - what is Google

Read This
Whai is Google?
1.) GOOGLE : Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth .2.) YAHOO : Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle .
3.) WINDOW : Wide Interactive Network Development for Office work
4.) COMPUTER : Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and used under Technical and Educational Research.
5.) VIRUS : Vital Information Resources Under Siege .
6.) UMTS : Universal Mobile Telecommunications System .
7.) AMOLED: Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode
8.) OLED : Organic light-emitting diode
9.) IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity .
10.) ESN: Electronic Serial Number .
11.) UPS: uninterruptible power supply .
12). HDMI: High-Definition Multimedia Interface
13.) VPN: virtual private network
14.) APN: Access Point Name
15.) SIM: Subscriber Identity Module
16.) LED: Light emitting diode.
17.) DLNA: Digital Living Network Alliance
18.) RAM: Random access memory.
19.) ROM: Read only memory.
20) VGA: Video Graphics Array
21) QVGA: Quarter Video Graphics Array
22) WVGA: Wide video graphics array.
23) WXGA: Widescreen Extended Graphics Array
24) USB: Universal serial Bus
25) WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network
26.) PPI: Pixels Per Inch
27.) LCD: Liquid Crystal Display.
28.) HSDPA: High speed down-link packet access.
29.) HSUPA: High-Speed Uplink Packet Access
30.) HSPA: High Speed Packet Access
31.) GPRS: General Packet Radio Service
32.) EDGE: Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution
33.)NFC: Near field communication
34.) OTG: on-the-go
35.) S-LCD: Super Liquid Crystal Display
36.) O.S: Operating system.
37.) SNS: Social network service
39.) P.O.I: point of interest
40.)GPS: Global Positioning System
41.)DVD: Digital Video Disk / digital versatile disc
42.)DTP: Desk top publishing.
43.) DNSE: Digital natural sound engine .
44.) OVI: Ohio Video Intranet
45.)CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access
46.) WCDMA: Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access
47.)GSM: Global System for Mobile Communications
48.)WI-FI: Wireless Fidelity
49.) DIVX: Digital internet video access.
50.) .APK: authenticated public key.
51.) J2ME: java 2 micro edition
53.) DELL: Digital electronic link library.
54.)ACER: Acquisition Collaboration Experimentation Reflection
55.)RSS: Really simple syndication
56.) TFT: thin film transistor
57.) AMR: Adaptive Multi- Rate
58.) MPEG: moving pictures experts group
59.)IVRS: Interactive Voice Response System
60.) HP: Hewlett Packard


Some Important Portals & their Founders

Some Important Portals & their Founders

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1. Whatsup— Brian Acton and Jan Koum
Image result for Brian Acton and Jan Koum

2. Facebook— Mark Zuckerberg

Image result for Mark Zuckerberg

3. Yahoo— David Filo & Jerry Yang

Image result for David Filo & Jerry Yang

To Join Our FB Group here : Here

4. Twitter— Jack Dorsey & Dick Costolo
5. Internet— Tim Berners Lee
6. Linkdin— Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue&
Koonstantin Guericke
7. Email— Shiva Ayyadurai
8. Gtalk— Richard Wah kan
9. Google— Larry Page & Sergey Brin
10. Hotmail— Sabeer Bhatia
11. Orkut— Buyukkokten
12. Wikipedia— Jimmy Wales
13. You tube— Steve Chen, Chad Hurley & JawedKarim
14. Rediffmail— Ajit Balakrishnan
15. Nimbuzz— Martin Smink & Evert Jaap
16. Myspace— Chris Dewolfe & Tom
17. Ibibo— Ashish Kashyap
18. OLX— Alec Oxenford & Fabrice Grinda
19. Skype— Niklas Zennstrom,JanusFriis &
Reid Hoffman
20. Opera— Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner &
Geir lvarsoy
21. Mozilla Firefox— Dave Hyatt & Blake Ross
22. Blogger— Evan Willams


15 Interesting Linux Command

To Join Our FB Group here : Here

1. Command: sl (Steam Locomotive)

You might be aware of command ‘ls‘ the list command and use it frequently to view the contents of a folder but because of miss-typing sometimes you would result in ‘sl‘, how about getting a little fun in terminal and not “command not found“.

Install sl

root@tecmint:~# apt-get install sl   (In Debian like OS)
root@tecmint:~# yum -y install sl   (In Red Hat like OS)
root@tecmint:~# sl
sl funny command
sl command
This command works even when you type ‘LS‘ and not ‘ls‘.

2. Command: telnet

NoNo!! it is not as much complex as it seems. You would be familiar with telnet. Telnet is a text-oriented bidirectional network protocol over network. Here is nothing to be installed. What you should have is a Linux box and a working Internet.
root@tecmint:~# telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
telnet command
telnet command

3. Command: fortune

what about getting your random fortune, sometimes funny in terminal.

Install fortune

root@tecmint:~# apt-get install fortune  (for aptitude based system)
root@tecmint:~# yum install fortune   (for yum based system)
root@tecmint:~# fortune

You're not my type.  For that matter, you're not even my species!!!
Future looks spotty.  You will spill soup in late evening.
You worry too much about your job.  Stop it.  You are not paid enough to worry.
Your love life will be... interesting.

4. Command: rev (Reverse)

It reverse every string given to it, is not it funny.
root@tecmint:~# rev


xuniL eb ot nrob
born to be Linux

5. Command: factor

Time for some Mathematics, this command output all the possible factors of a given number.
root@tecmint:~# factor

5: 5 

12: 2 2 3 

1001: 7 11 13 

5442134: 2 2721067

6. Command: script

OK fine this is not a command and a script but it is nice.
root@tecmint:~# for i in {1..12}; do for j in $(seq 1 $i); do echo -ne $i×$j=$((i*j))\\t;done; echo;done 

2×1=2 2×2=4 
3×1=3 3×2=6 3×3=9 
4×1=4 4×2=8 4×3=12 4×4=16 
5×1=5 5×2=10 5×3=15 5×4=20 5×5=25 
6×1=6 6×2=12 6×3=18 6×4=24 6×5=30 6×6=36 
7×1=7 7×2=14 7×3=21 7×4=28 7×5=35 7×6=42 7×7=49 
8×1=8 8×2=16 8×3=24 8×4=32 8×5=40 8×6=48 8×7=56 8×8=64 
9×1=9 9×2=18 9×3=27 9×4=36 9×5=45 9×6=54 9×7=63 9×8=72 9×9=81 
10×1=10 10×2=20 10×3=30 10×4=40 10×5=50 10×6=60 10×7=70 10×8=80 10×9=90 10×10=100 
11×1=11 11×2=22 11×3=33 11×4=44 11×5=55 11×6=66 11×7=77 11×8=88 11×9=99 11×10=110 11×11=121 
12×1=12 12×2=24 12×3=36 12×4=48 12×5=60 12×6=72 12×7=84 12×8=96 12×9=108 12×10=120 12×11=132 12×12=144

7. Command: Cowsay

An ASCII cow in terminal that will say what ever you want.

Install Cowsay

root@tecmint:~# apt-get install cowsay   (for Debian based OS)
root@tecmint:~# yum install cowsay  (for Red Hat based OS)
root@tecmint:~# cowsay I Love nix 

< I Love nix >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
How about pipelineing ‘fortune command‘, described above with cowsay?
root@tecmint:~# fortune | cowsay 

/ Q: How many Oregonians does it take to  \
| screw in a light bulb? A: Three. One to |
| screw in the light bulb and two to fend |
| off all those                           |
|                                         |
| Californians trying to share the        |
\ experience.                             /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
Note: ‘|‘ is called pipeline instruction and it is used where the output of one command needs to be the input of another command. In the above example the output of ‘fortune‘ command acts as an input of ‘cowsay‘ command. This pipeline instruction is frequently used in scripting and programming.
xcowsay is a graphical program which response similar to cowsay but in a graphical manner, hence it is X of cowsay.
apt-get insatll xcowsay
yum install xcowsay
root@tecmint:~# xcowsay I Love nix
install xcowsay
xcowsay command
cowthink is another command just run “cowthink Linux is sooo funny” and see the difference in output of cowsay and cowthink.
apt-get insatll cowthink
yum install cowthink
root@tecmint:~# cowthink ....Linux is sooo funny
( ....Linux is sooo funny )
        o   ^__^
         o  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

8. Command: yes

It is funny but useful as well, specially in scripts and for System Administrators where an automated predefined response can be passed to terminal or generated.
root@tecmint:~# yes I Love Linux

I Love Linux
I Love Linux
I Love Linux
I Love Linux
I Love Linux
I Love Linux
I Love Linux
I Love Linux
I Love Linux
I Love Linux
I Love Linux
I Love Linux
Note: (Till you interrupt i.e ctrl+c).

9. Command: toilet

what? Are u kidding, huhh no! Definitely not, but for sure this command name itself is too funny, and I don’t know from where this command gets it’s name.

Install toilet

root@tecmint:~# apt-get install toilet 
root@tecmint:~# yum install toilet
root@tecmint:~# toilet tecmint 

mmmmmmm                        "             m                               
   #     mmm    mmm   mmmmm  mmm    m mm   mm#mm          mmm    mmm   mmmmm 
   #    #"  #  #"  "  # # #    #    #"  #    #           #"  "  #" "#  # # # 
   #    #""""  #      # # #    #    #   #    #           #      #   #  # # # 
   #    "#mm"  "#mm"  # # #  mm#mm  #   #    "mm    #    "#mm"  "#m#"  # # #
It even offers some kind of color and fonts style.
root@tecmint:~# toilet -f mono12 -F metal Tecmint.com
install toilet command
toilet command
NoteFiglet is another command that more or less provide such kind of effect in terminal.

10. Command: cmatrix

You might have seen Hollywood movie ‘matrix‘ and would be fascinated with power, Neo was provided with, to see anything and everything in matrix or you might think of an animation that looks alike Hacker‘s desktop.

Install cmatrix

root@tecmint:~# apt-get install cmatrix
root@tecmint:~# yum install cmatrix
root@tecmint:~# cmatrix
cmatrix command
cmatrix command

11. Command: oneko

OK so you believe that mouse pointer of Linux is the same silly black/white pointer where no animation lies then I fear you could be wrong. “oneko“ is a package that will attach a “Jerry“ with you mouse pointer and moves along with you pointer.

Install cmatrix

root@tecmint:~# apt-get install oneko
root@tecmint:~# yum install oneko
root@tecmint:~# oneko
install oneko
oneko command
Note: Once you close the terminal from which oneko was run, jerry will disappear, nor will start at start-up. You can add the application to start up and continue enjoying.

12. Fork Bomb

This is a very nasty piece of code. Run this at your own risk. This actually is a fork bomb which exponentially multiplies itself till all the system resource is utilized and the system hangs. (To check the power of above code you should try it once, but all at your own risk, close and save all other programs and file before running fork bomb).
root@tecmint:~# :(){ :|:& }:

13. Command: while

The below “while” command is a script which provides you with colored date and file till you interrupt (ctrl + c). Just copy and paste the below code in terminal.
root@tecmint:~# while true; do echo "$(date '+%D %T' | toilet -f term -F border --gay)"; sleep 1; done
Linux while command
Linux while command
Note: The above script when modified with following command, will gives similar output but with a little difference, check it in your terminal.
root@tecmint:~# while true; do clear; echo "$(date '+%D %T' | toilet -f term -F border --gay)"; sleep 1; done

14. Command: espeak

Just Turn the Knob of your multimedia speaker to full before pasting this command in your terminal and let us know how you felt listening the god’s voice.

Install espeak

root@tecmint:~# apt-get install espeak
root@tecmint:~# yum install espeak
root@tecmint:~# espeak "Tecmint is a very good website dedicated to Foss Community"

15. Command: aafire

How about fire in your terminal. Just type “aafire” in the terminal, without quotes and see the magic. Press any key to interrupt the program.

Install aafire

root@tecmint:~# apt-get install libaa-bin
root@tecmint:~# aafire
install aafire
aafire command

source :http://www.tecmint.com/20-funny-commands-of-linux-or-linux-is-fun-in-terminal/